Outreach Projects
As a Christian School we support various outreach projects during our academic year. This creates awareness for our children that links to our school theme and helps children think of others other than themselves. It also helps them be aware of being grateful for things and being able to give and share.
Kainon School supports the following outreach projects:
Baby House Westville
The House is a safe house for abandoned babies. Their goal is to care for and nurture these beautiful babies until such a time that they are adopted. Two dedicated housemothers lovingly look after these precious little people until they are adopted. The babies are placed at the house by a registered social worker who either works with the mothers before birth or who is contacted by relevant hospitals or police stations in the case of abandonment.
There are 2 housemothers who alternate weeks on duty so there is usually only one pair of hands available at any time. Our learners are encouraged to go to the Baby House to assist in the afternoon or weekend routine.
They are continuously in desperate need of support through donations and monthly supplies. Their wish list is regularly updated on their Facebook page.
17 Tweed Road, Westville.
El Gibbor Kitchen
El Gibbor Kitchen is a feeding scheme that supports the homeless in Pinetown. Led by Steph and Hussein, they strive to provide for the homeless with regular meals, clothing drives, and other support. They also do their utmost to uplift the homeless spiritually and encourage them to better themselves. The goal is not just to feed for today, but to lead to a better, more fulfilling life.
Several times a term Kainon classes are asked tro provide a meal to be distributed by El Gibbor. The students who volunteer will make sandwhiches and bring them to school, to then be donated.
El Gibbor is active on Facebook, and is always on the lookout for people willing to help.
Providence Rest Home
Providence is a local home for the elderly. Kainon learners visit Providence once a term to sing songs to the residents and hand over appropriate gifts for the season e.g. Easter, Spring, New Church Birthday and Christmas. Residents of Providence always enjoy the interaction with our learners.
Providence can be found in Winslow Road, Westville.