At Pre-Primary level, children learn best through play experiences. It allows them to explore, experiment, and engage with the world around them in a natural and enjoyable way. Play encourages creativity and critical thinking, fostering problem-solving skills as children navigate challenges on their own. When they have the freedom to try things for themselves, they develop confidence and independence, learning from both successes and mistakes. This hands-on approach not only enhances cognitive development but also nurtures social skills as children collaborate and interact with peers, making learning a dynamic and enriching experience.
Although Grade R falls under our Pre-Primary phase, it is essential to note that it is considered to be a child’s first year of formal schooling. The Grade R year is considered the school readiness year because it serves as a critical transition phase for children moving from Pre-School education to the Foundation Phase in Education. During this year, children engage in structured learning experiences that focus on developing essential skills such as literacy, numeracy, and social interaction. Grade R emphasises play-based learning, whilst ensuring that the skills required for the Foundation Phase are developed successfully. By preparing them for the demands of Primary School education, Grade R fosters a solid foundation that supports children’s academic and social success in the years to come.
Despite our passion for children exploring new concepts independently through play experiences, we also acknowledge the importance of new concepts being taught in a structured manner. In the Pre-Primary, we teach around specific themes and follow a culturally responsive and integrated curriculum. An integrated day refers to a holistic approach to structuring the school day that blends different subjects, activities, and learning experiences into a seamless, interconnected framework. This approach aligns with young children’s natural way of learning, which is through exploration, play, and connections between different concepts
The Grade 00000-Grade 00 children experience two teacher- directed periods a day: a skills lesson, and a developmental ring. In Pre-Primary education, skills lessons taught by a teacher and developmental rings serve distinct purposes and follow different approaches.
A skills lesson is often more structured, where the teacher directly instructs children on particular skills or concepts, most often promoting fine motor skills or new concepts. This lesson typically includes guided activities, hands-on practice, and can include small group work to assist children in refining the new skill. Skills lessons prioritise specific learning outcomes.
On the other hand, ring time is a more informal, interactive gathering where children sit together in a circle, led by their class teacher. During ring time, the focus is on social interaction, sharing, and group activities that promote listening skills, turn-taking, and co-operative play. Activities might include storytelling, singing, exploring music and drama concepts, or discussions, allowing children to express themselves and learn social norms in a relaxed setting. Developmental rings foster community, communication, and holistic development.
The Grade R timetable runs slightly differently as there is a set curriculum to cover before formal assessment begins. There are more skills lessons taught in a day, focussing on Literacy, Numeracy and Life Skills. Our Grade R learners attend extra subjects with specialist teachers, including Physical Education, Music, Afrikaans and Zulu. They are also taught Computers and Unplugged Coding by their class teacher.
Our four youngest groups have two Free Play periods a day, where the focus is on providing the child with different play opportunities , and ultimately giving them the freedom to choose what activities they’d like to engage in. During play times, our five play areas are available to the children: The Creative Area, The Cognitive Area and Sensopathic Trays, The Garden, The Bike Track and The Fantasy Area. Grades 0000-Grade 00 follow an integrated approach, whereby the three age groups share the play spaces at the same time. Younger children are stimulated by the ideas and skills of the older ones, while the older children develop a sense of responsibility and caring for the little ones.
The Grade R class has one Free Play period per day. We acknowledge that Grade R learners are older and engage in more physical activities during play, so we provide them with dedicated space to play without the younger children around. Once a week, their play time falls within the same time period as the other classes, to allow them the opportunity to experience integrated play and act as role models to the younger children.